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lowest commercially taxed city

Summerside is the lowest commercially taxed City on Prince Edward Island and possesses tax-free zones for the aerospace industry. It has a diverse offering of commercial and retail space that rival many jurisdictions in Atlantic Canada.


2% Small
& Processing
1.5%of assessed value
real Commercial
Property Tax


9% Small
15% other
* The Small Business rate applies to the income eligible for the federal small business deduction, currently the first $500,000. Read for more information
Summerside is the lowest commercially taxed city on Prince Edward Island, and boasts tax-free zones for the aerospace industry
Sustainable Labour Market

In Prince Edward Island, companies have profited from a high degree of stability and productivity in the workforce. Key drivers of this growth are lengthy job tenures, stability, and the low number of lost days per worker.

Summerside’s economy continues to diversify. As it does, employment attraction intensifies. Economic growth, in turn, is met with increased community support for diversification.

Look at our labour attraction tool at:
Summerside Advantages
Pro-growth leadership

An interconnected network of senior collaborators and industry experts, plus public and private investors bring all key players into the “same room”.

Big Ideas

Unique Living Lab assets promote research, development, and partnerships to support investment in green and alternative energy, waste management technology, connectivity, and more.


Ideal work/life balance; minimal commuting time; recreational, cultural and entertainment services throughout the province; plus a shared sense of community in a very attractive seaside setting.

Lower Production/ Ownership Cost

Beta testing of new technologies and products permits “Fail First, Fail Fast” in addition to “Fail Cheap” advantages, which accelerate the development cycle and reduce risk and cost. Plus, ready access to customers for product validation.

Low Cost/
Low Risk

A promising strategy for a manageable entry into North America.

Time Zone

For online/phone-based service companies with two shifts 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, customers can be served during all normal business hours in all time zones across Canada and the U.S.


Lower turnover and wage burden relative to other North American cities.


Including creative partnerships with a wide range of professional organizations.

The Best Country For Global Investment

  • Canada maintains close international relations beyond its borders including over 1.5 billion customers in 51 countries.
  • Canada has trade agreements with the United States, Mexico, the European Union, the United Kingdom, and Pacific countries.
  • Access to Canada’s global trade markets is facilitated through a robust and sophisticated infrastructure of over 26 major airports with international connections, over 17 seaports, and 117 border crossings for efficient and timely movement of goods and services.
  • Canada enjoys stability with political, banking, and corruption indices atop the global economy.
Canada ranked #1 in the world for quality of life in June 2020

Summerside is open to companies seeking rapid results in testing and modeling for advanced deployment in the early stages of product life.
Get your products to market
sooner with Summerside!

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