Find the job for the life you want
in Summerside, Prince Edward Island
moving to Summerside?
Find out how we can help you!
Get a job you enjoy and the life you've been looking for in Summerside
More than just a city for building a career and living safely, Summerside helps people improve their lives. It is a community that supports dreams and believes you will be able to achieve them. You can live a better life in Summerside!
Everything you've been dreaming about is now just in one click away. With the help of Summerside, you can have a new life that inspires you and everyone around you.
With Summerside's low cost of living, you have far more of your income to save for your own needs each month than elsewhere in Canada!
Ready for a fun life with a job you enjoy and room to grow? Do you want to live in a vibrant community and make it your home? Summerside has everything you’re looking for!
Summerside supports your dreams and believes you will be able to achieve them. We are the springboard for everyone seeking new opportunities and a better life. Living in Summerside means the ability to spend money not just on what you need, but also on what you want.
Add it all up and it could mean a bigger home... with a much shorter commute.
A new record! Previous record: 219 in 2021.
Summerside is a growing city.
The average home price in Canada was $656,625 as of Oct. 2023. In Summerside, it’s possible to own a primary home plus a secondary property for the total price of a single home only in many major cities.
The 2018—2022 average was $28M and 2013—2017 was $9M!
Working all the time to pay for things you get to enjoy some of the time – or – working some of the time to pay for things you enjoy all of the time?
Summerside gives you every opportunity to
really enjoy living.
Ashley moved with her family to Summerside 5 years ago from Edmonton, Alberta. The main motivation for moving her family back east was her children to grow up around family and friends in a small, close-knit community. Ashley and her family love Summerside and can’t imagine a better lifestyle!
with average daily highs of 180C or above
with direct access from downtown
is at the heart of family entertainment, hosting concerts, sporting competitions, and more!
… all within city limits!